Shibobo Finals

All stars Vs Konvicts

Barbie Bandits Vs Pinkitah

Come to the Grand finale this Friday and be a part of the best MaP Shibobo league final to ever grace the fields. See you there!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do Teams Wearing Red Really Do Better?

It is widely argued by football fans around the world that teams wearing red are more successful than their opponents. Concurring to the matter is the popular fact that three of the English premier leagues top four is attired in red, the teams being: Man Untd, Liverpool and Arsenal .The African champions Al Ahly wear red as well. You might think it is one of those superstitious myths by footballers, but whether it is based on mythos or logos, Nicholas Hobbes has gone further to give the much needed facts.
“Statistics show that in Euro 2004, wearing predominantly red was worth an extra goal a game on average. At the very least, players find scarlet-clad easier to pick out against the green of a pitch-unlike Manchester United’s infamous grey strip that was blamed for a run of poor form.” All Stars proves this perception.

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